Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Ideal Date

Nothing better than living the life we always wanted to live in this world where everything generally comes for a price, or to twist a little – a life which comes with an equally ventilating sacrifice to withstand with.
Almost 8 thousand miles away, sitting in a well embellished office cube highly garnished with office stuff which most of the time we don’t require, and when require they generally don’t work, I am still thinking what am I achieving out of it.
Let me dream another dream. A dream where I can relive my part of life, which I can foresee once I will be near to my luv – YOU.

So here it goes, my flight lands at 4.00 pm in the evening, I didn't inform you that I am coming to give you a surprise at your birthday. Immigration and customs took almost 2 hrs and now at 6.00 o clock, I am standing outside the airport to hire a taxi to a hotel.
You would be wondering why in the holy world, on my arrival to my hometown, I am hiring a taxi to a hotel and not for my home. You will get to know why. Soon with your thoughts in my mind, I have reached to my room already booked in one of the good quality hotel in the outskirts of airport area.

It didn’t take me long to get ready, even I was wondering why I am in so much of hurry to get out of my hotel room even forgetting the jet lag poised on me after my 22 hrs long tiring journey via KLM airways.
Not to mention, I am well suited-up in a black attire sporting nice slim sleeved black shirt with much nicely contrasting camel shade chinos. My hair finely combed in the style you always admire. I am going on date. Hotel management already booked a Camry for me for complete night. Firmly opening the door of it, I asked the chauffeur to leave as I wanted to get hold of this piece-of-engineering from Japan.

It didn't take me long to find myself waiting downstairs at your home, when I already sent a neighboring kid to call you downstairs, saying some friend is waiting for you down.
And here you comes, in your usual looks with tee and shorts, your hair going haywire with an attitude which is almost uttering – who the hell is calling me down, I am not interested. Giving such looks you are unenthusiastically climbing down the few last steps of first floor. You are still not very curious and concerned about who is going to be the caller. Even with such an attitude and attire, you still look the same gigantically personified personality which always fills the atmosphere with charm and makes me feel butterfly in my stomach.
THUD – We both now had an eye contact!!!  I was speechless having to see you after so long. I was so prepared for this meeting then also I was so much astonished and helpless, no wonder how startling it would have been for you. You and me, front-in-front, eyes-in-eyes, still not wanting this dream-like situation to end. Aura around us has changed surprisingly, chirping sound of beautiful sparrows, drizzle in the air with warmth of your presence in my inner self,  everything is making me feel more and more comfortable in this fairyland situation. I don’t know who took the leap forward to and who came out of this imaginary shell first, but the end result was you and me were hugging each other after a pause of few seconds with our inner strength evolved, although the bodies are still feeling energy-less and carried away by the situation. That feeling was still incomparable when the hug between was going on and we two were still without any much command over it, and the nearby atmosphere seems getting aged every inch of a second.
“Kab aaye beta” – these words from your father finally made us come out of our dreamland and behaved as normal as we could, although we two were still looking at each other. Taking a break, I greeted uncle and replied to his query. Finally, we are speaking to each other, though you are angry why I didn’t inform you about your arrival but still smiling at my surprise.
Then I ordered you to get ready asap as we were going out to celebrate your birthday and gave you only 20 mins for the same. Sitting in your room, I still can remember each and every moment that we lived here in past time – scintillating time it was. Indeed!
You came as always, sparkling in you attire and to give me that always-so-familiar hug. I asked to blindfold you till we reach the destination. You did the same. Now I am guiding each and every move of yours when you are walking towards the car on the outside road. P.S: I’m just luvin it!!! 
  I opened the gate and very aptly you recognized it’s not our own car as it used to be before my transfer to US. I said this is also part of your surprise. Car was waiting outside with few gifts within, kept for my love. I made you comfortable before I presented you with a bunch of freshly picked rose sticks which are blended very well with tulips on the outside boundary of the bouquet. Your smile is making me feel successful in my first move to make you feel special.
Then I made you search for that card which was on the dash board but you had to search for it with blindfold still on your eyes. You didn’t take long to get it as you seeing from my eyes <3 <3 <3.
You were very apt when you very innocently asked me how you gonna read the card with blindfolds on. I didn’t reply anything and you opened the card to feel something inside. There were three letters embossed inside the card which you were able to feel easily once you opened it. Just after touching the magical words you are blushing like anything and you gave me this ever-demanded hug from you. The three letters molded inside the cards were I L U.
Three simple yet powerful letters. This was more than enough for me to express my feelings towards you. You are asking me to drive now as we were standing at that spot for quite long now. Whilst you were just saying this, you were interrupted by something melting inside your mouth with my fingers supporting that melt. And suddenly you started enjoying it, something you always like to have, something you always want me to give to you, something you were missing and not having since I moved out of India. Yes, it was your favorite –Silk chocolate.
I helped you clean your choco-clad lips and surrounding area by placing an ever-astonishing lip lock –warm feeling which helped choco to melt li’l fast.

Just after 30 mins drive, we were at the destination where I gave the keys to valet after getting down from car and then helped you to come with me till elevator. You are getting more and more confused and curious about the place as you are being greeted by every damn single person crossing by.
It didn’t take us 2 mins to reach at some entrance; we entered to witness a wave of silence behind the closing door. You are struggling hard to find out what exactly this place gonna be. Even behind the blindfold, you can very well feel the sheer darkness inside that area to which you are a little worried about.
With a sudden thud, I moved away from you until you almost screamed to say to comeback. You opened the blindfold to witness a feeling of fear in you in that dark room when suddenly you hear my voice singing the birthday jingle.
Happy Birthday to you… happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday dear Love.. Happy Birthday to you….
This jingle goes on again but now in chorus where you can still recognize some of the voices…..
Happy Birthday to you… happy Birthday to you...

Lights switched on for you to witness a big hall of gigantic size and numerous light chandeliers hanging from the roof top. You were witnessing your complete family, my family, your life time friends and other important people who were wishing all in chorus. We rushed to cut the cake and asked everyone to enjoy it. The place, a 7-star on the highway, was heavily prepared for your first birthday with me and I didn’t forget to bring even a single person who matters in your life.
Soon we hurried from that place and moved to car – this time you were again mouth-opened to see the Camry in your service. Again I blindfolded you to take you to another destination of this beautiful night where I get you down the car just in front of an ice-cream hawker which was standing right in front of India gate at 11.00 pm. Isn’t nice to just walk having hand-in-hand with your soul mate on the silent roads of such a beautiful area.
You don’t know much people here, right? Then why this small boy gave you this sweetly packed gift box. On it, just a slip is present stating From Luv To Luv With Luv.
Hehehe…. Yeah I arranged this for you. A small gift from me to you. I am not gonna tell you what is inside. Finally at 11:30 we decided to head back. At this point you were having thoughts that we are heading back home and the surprise has just ended. But you are wrong my babes. I blindfolded you again to reach another destination. This time I opened your blindfold inside a highly designed and decorated room of a hotel where you took almost 5 minutes to just praise the beauty inside the room and of the view outside it from the glass walls on two sides. 15th floor is just awesome to have a view of the complete Delhi-NCR area.
 You said why we are here and I said, do you remember once you asked me to take you somewhere, where there is no one around to disturb and make you feel more comfortable and relaxed with me for the complete night and we woke in the morning sipping a coffee after taking the bath. So this is the place where you can relive this dream of yours with me taking care of you for the complete night.
So finally the date ended with you relaxing yourself in my arms and I was more relived to finally execute…
